S., Zhang Y., Sinha, S., Sinha, U., Hodgson, J., Csapo, R., and Malis, V., “Pixel Based Meshfree Modeling of Skeletal Muscles,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, CompIMAGE 2014, LNCS 8641, pp. Chi, “The Role of Quadrature in Meshfree Methods: Variational Consistency in Galerkin Weak Form and Collocation in Strong Form,” IACM Expressions, Vol. S., Belytschko, T., “Meshless and Meshfree Methods,” Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. J., “Advanced Computational Methods to Understand & Mitigate Extreme Events,” IACM Expression, Vol. S., “An Implicit Gradient Meshfree Formulation for Convection-Dominated Problems,” Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology Book Series, pp. A., “Reproducing Kernel Approximation and Discretization,” Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chapter 20, pp. S., “Performance Comparison of Nodally Integrated Galerkin Meshfree Methods and Nodally Collocated Strong Form Meshfree Methods,” Advances in Computational Plasticity, Springer, pp. This review article includes 397 references.Hillman, M. The emphases of this survey are placed on simulations of finite deformations, fracture, strain localization of solids incompressible as well as compressible flows and applications of multiscale methods and nano-scale mechanics. Third, some applications of molecular dynamics (MD) in applied mechanics are discussed. Second, mesh-free Galerkin methods, which have been an active research area in recent years, are reviewed. First, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is discussed as a representative of a non-local kernel, strong form collocation approach. Three major methodologies have been reviewed. This review article includes 397 references.ĪB - Recent developments of meshfree and particle methods and their applications in applied mechanics are surveyed. N2 - Recent developments of meshfree and particle methods and their applications in applied mechanics are surveyed. T1 - Meshfree and particle methods and their applications